onsdag 14 december 2011

The tripp from hell

- Please note, you can find grammatical miss and wrong words ... I get upset just to think about the situation.

Jesus. Do not know where to start. Yesterday I went to Falköping, 14 swedish miles from Gothenburg, to teach a SH `BAM promo. class, for Atlantic Joy. When I had two mil left begins a symbol to flash ..."Check oil level". I thought, it can not be that bad. So I call and ask Tomas and he says : "Stop the car."

Sandy: I can´t. It´s pitch-black, no street lights and And that's just a bunch of fields all over.
Tomas: The car crash if you not stop the car, you need to check the oil level.
Sandy: F U C K.

So i stopped, in the middle of nowhere, no lights, dark as in D A R K. Pouring rain and freezing cold.Trying to pull dipstick (that you check the oil with), who seems to stuck, I'm crying because I do not see anything and I'm getting stressed out. CHAOS!

I call my grandfather, who is old auto mechanic, but old and wise, he just says "you have to refill the oil". Well thank you, I now that......but theres no gas station

Angry, sad, cold, disappointed, stressed out ...

I call my dad - He´s not sure how to do...f u c k
Last chance, I'll call my aunt's husband and he says you must be able to go a little bit - the light tells you when it's time to refill the oil, but it should not be completely empty. So I started the car, try to contact the gym, because it´s just 20 minutes left until the class should start.

Sandra, from the gym, says "in just a few km, you will se a cheese shop - stay there, and we will come and pick you up. THANK YOU! I land at the gym four minutes before the class starts. Coming in to the studio, where 40 members are prepared for SH'BAM. Smiling and try to stay calm...like Calm in the storm, right :)

The class went well and the members gave everything. Love, joy, happiness and sweat. THANK YOU all!!!

The story continues.....

The oil is bought.... I pour in the oil and the light does not stop blinking. What's wrong? This sweet, kind and caring instructor - stay and try to help me. After 30 minutes we gave up and she called a friend - a very fast friend because 5 minutes after the friend turned up. He checked the car, the oil level, the 'sound' of the car, the symbol and said "it´s nothing wrong with the oil pressure - i think it´s a sensor that is broken. The symbol are yellow, if it had been ' the pressure' it should be a red symbol - same symbol but red. So you can drive home now. But you need to check the sensor."

THANKY YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!! Christmas love to you.

Phu, happy? Not....just deeply shaken....Park the car at home 22.00 pm, hungry, tired and exhausted.

See the yellow thing, that´s the 'stick' that had been stuck...hate that thing! Hate cars!

Beautiful studio at Atlantic Joy

Beautiful girls from Falköping!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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